To Leftists Everywhere, What Am I Missing?

The Intro

Now, I am mainly aiming this question at fellow Christians who support Leftist politicians and policies, but I left that adjective off the noun in the title because I believe non-Christians could have the answer as well. So, here is the question: What sinful policies and actions do people on the Right support and promote? I'm asking about things that are not debatable. Some could try to argue that the Rights opposition to Obamacare or economically devastating "Green" policies, is sinful, but some could argue the exact opposite just as easily.

 by david.reagan on
If God is so amazing why...

I just came across this thread on Hacker News. One of the comments asked the usual questions about why God doesn't just make everything perfect. Now, for me, the answers are obvious. I've spent lots of time thinking about them, and I grew up hearing the answers in church. The commentor, apparently, has never hear the answers before. Thus I replied to them. And, since they are common questions, I thought I'd crosspost over here.

 by david.reagan on
My opinion on what today's votes will mean

I'll keep it short and sweet, I hope. Today is voting day! And, according to many opinions I have read, the GOP is going to win big. I tend to agree with them, but it doesn't really make me happy.

Obama was voted into office because people were tired of Bush and his policies. Obama then took the worst parts of Bush's policies and increased them a thousandfold. Big spending, big government, bad leadership in the wars, etc. Americans are rightfully ticked off by that, and today's votes will reflect that.

 by david.reagan on
Peter DeFazio, Art Robinson, and Concerned Taxpayers of America

I generally pay little attention to local politics. I've moved around so much in my life, that I've never felt like they mattered to me. Thus, I hadn't really heard of any of the people in the title, other than DeFazio, before. Then a friend posted a link on Facebook to an article about DeFazio going after CTA (Concerned Taxpayers of America).

 by david.reagan on
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