Prayer Site Idea

So, I just had a wild idea after getting a prayer request email from my churches prayer chain.

The basic idea would be to set up a bug report software system and use it for prayer requests.

Basic use would be, you sign on, click add prayer request, fill out as many of the forms as you want, then it's posted for people to see. After it's posted, people can subscribe to it and get updates whenever you update it. And so on. The same kind of stuff that a bug report site has, just tweaked for prayer requests.

What do you think? Would you use it?

 by david.reagan on
A Quick Look at Gun Control

So, a friend on Facebook posted a note about <a href="">this bill</a> that would create federal gun control. That prompted me to do a quick write up on gun control.

Number one, gun control on the federal level is definitely unconstitutional.

<blockquote>Amendment 2 - Right to Bear Arms. Ratified 12/15/1791.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.</blockquote>

 by david.reagan on
Bible Notes: Genesis 1

Key thing to remember people, pray before you start your daily Bible reading. I have been struggling to get much out of my readings, but today I prayed before hand. Second verse in, boom, something I hadn't realized before. :D Genesis Chapter 1 is the Creation story. And it starts with a message of transformation. Verse 2:

 by david.reagan on
Pondering on Politics and Personal Responsibility

If you've been reading this blog at all, you will have noticed that I have been posting quite a bit on political matters. Like cap and trade, health care reform, etc. Something I have been thinking about is why I care so much about these things. After all, as a Christian, my overriding goal is the salvation of souls. So, how does worrying about politics tie into being a Christian? 1 John 3:16

 by david.reagan on
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