End of Term

Heh, been a while since I posted. As usual for me.

Anyway, for those of you who read this and aren't my parents, here's what I did for the past few months.

I only took a 8 credits because I wasn't able to get my adviser to clear me for advanced registration, and thus my classes filled up... She was really busy and apparently my email was buried. Go figure. Anyway, I took Discrete Math, Web Developemnet, and Archery.

 by david.reagan on
Added a New Page

If you look to the right, you can see I added a page called State Quarters List. This is a page that lists all the quarters I have. It is mainly an attempt to get you to send me the ones I don't have... Hint hint. :D

 by david.reagan on
Superhero Physics

So, I bought Smallville Season 7 the other day and have been watching Clark Kent save the day. Plus I just saw Hancock in the theater. It got me thinking.

In Hancock the guy tosses a kid way up in the air and then catches him. In Smallville, Clark superspeeds to pickup people out of the way of speeding cars and such dangers.

 by david.reagan on

Can you see the video clip that is supposed to show in the blog post below? I can't see it and I am wondering if it is because I am on firefox 3 and linux right now. Guess I'll check later.

 by david.reagan on
Babylon 5

So I just watched the first episode of Babylon 5 on Hulu. It was a mediocre show, but this clip made the entire episode worth it. The alien is an ambassador, just so you know.

 by david.reagan on
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