Another Little Project - FLAC TO MP3

A few days ago my phone ran out of space. 

Looking into it, well, part of the problem is that I rip my cd's to FLAC. Then sync those files over to my phone. 

So, rather than manually use an audio conversion program every time I want to convert my FLAC files to mp3, I decided to just script it using bash and ffmpeg.

The end result is FLAC TO MP3.

Now, all I need to do, is run a single command in my terminal and wait a bit.

 by david.reagan on
Waterdrop - A Drupal in Docker Quickstart

I experiment with Drupal a lot. Enough that I created a template project a while back to get me up and running quickly. The thing is, I included the composer.json file in the repo, and that quickly got out of date. So I'd end up doing a lot of resetting of things every time I needed a new instance of Drupal.

I finally got tired enough of that that I decided to do a better job.

Thus, I created Waterdrop

 by david.reagan on
Why isn't my Drupal 9 sub theme pulling in styles.css?

Just a quick note for my own records.

When you're having trouble getting your sub theme's styles.css file to show up, and you've read over the official docs until your eyes bleed, and you've double-checked that your .libraries.yml file and .info.yml files match what they're supposed to match, here's one more thing you can check:

Does the parent theme have any schema or settings to install? As in theme/config/schema/theme.schema.yml and theme/config/install/theme.settings.yml.

 by david.reagan on
The Value Of Being Quiet

I haven't posted much in the opinion section of this site for quite a few years now. If you look at my posts, you can see I've had opinions about many topics and haven't been afraid to share them. So what changed?

Well, several things, but all of them combined are in the process of bringing me to a place where I value being quiet more than I value speaking out.

 by david.reagan on
Pardon my formatting
For reasons you can find in the issue queue, the Drupal Markdown module does not have a version released for Drupal 9. Since I want to upgrade, I have had to remove that module. The end result is that a lot of my posts are no longer well formatted. I'm having to manually edit them to make sure they are readable. If you spot one you really think I should get to sooner than I might otherwise, drop me a line at
 by drmeister on
MySQL Access Denied From Within Docker Containers

A few days ago I ran into some very odd behavior. Even though I was setting my usernames and passwords via Docker secrets (so the same file on the db container and the app container), MySQL was throwing Access Denied errors at me. Thankfully all the frustrating details of my troubleshooting have left me, but I thought I would share both the problem, and the solution.

The Setup

Be running multiple MySQL containers, and their associated application containers, on the same Docker network.

 by david.reagan on
Back to Drupal

Welcome back to Drupal. I've moved my site back on to the Drupal 8 platform.

So, I started with plain old HTML way back on GeoCities. Used Wordpress for a blog, then Drupal 7, Hugo, and now I'm on Drupal 8.

The latest change is for a couple reasons. First, I didn't post enough to get used to Hugo. Second, I have plans that really need a full CMS. Not just a static site generator. Here's to new beginnings!

 by drmeister on
Docker Fails To Start When Using A FirewallD Zone That Has A Mis-Configured forward-port Line

If you use FirewallD to manage your firewall rules, and you include a `forward-port` tag in your zone file that is missing the `to-port` or `to-addr` parameters, Docker will refuse to start.

For example:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<zone target="DROP">
    <description>public zone.</description>
    <service name="ssh" />
<forward-port port="51820" protocol="udp" />

Will cause this output when you try to start Docker:

 by david.reagan on
End of Summer 2019 Site Update

It's been a while since I've posted anything. Not a lot to say about myself right now, but I have updated this site.

First, we have a new logo! That is a lot nicer than the old one. It pays to actually pay someone with design skills. :)

Second, I've added a Photography page to replace the link to my SmugMug gallery. I plan on updating the featured photo and gallery every once in a while. So keep you eye on it.

 by david.reagan on
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